Tuesday, March 28, 2006

recruitment set back

I received an email yesterday that the finance company I was hoping to recruit to my study is unable to participate due to lack of "spare capacity". I'm very disappointed because I had put a lot of work into securing them for my research. I'm now back to the drawing board, three months into the year with no test subjects. You see I'm feeling a bit frustrated. Good news though about the Association of Internet Conference in Brisbane: my paper was accepted. I read the reviewers comments on the abstract and I think I pretty much scraped in. I agreed with them that my abstract was too barebones. At the time I didn't think they wanted more detail but I realise now after reading the comments that they needed a bit more to go on. The conference is running a doctoral colloquium before the conference proper that I thought might be useful. I have prepared a two page summary that has to be submitted by 31st of March. I do have some concerns that my work isn't the greatest fit for a conference that focuses on Internet research but my supervisor believes that they have a pretty open interpretation of this and are interested in associated research.

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