Friday, February 11, 2005


What a great meeting this morning. I met with my panel of supervisors and I feel really inspired and excited. OK a little daunted maybe but not in a bad way. They have so many great ideas and know so much of the literature. I felt all the little electrons in my mind dancing around in a sort of whirling dervish. Some of the topics we discussed stood out, like the role of technology-play in the workplace, the concept of emotions as a bridge to understanding the connection between perception and an analysis of material culture. I am interested in exploring how to consider emotions with theories of phenomenology and to apply this to the entire assemblage of relations that a work place represents as a technological site or sites. The sense that it is a collective perceptual shift that takes place is an interesting idea to look into. I really liked the comment that one of my supervisors made about how our literacy of film and television informs computer literacy. This also has some very interesting connections to perception. The research side was really interesting too. I will give some thought to this. Oh geez I drank way too much coffee.


jean said...

Curious - who was it with the comment about multiliteracies and computer literacy? Cos I really agree

Ms M said...

Hi Jean, well it was kind of a response to a comment I made about how I'm interested in seeing how people (in my study yet to be done) perceive the space of the computer screen/display and to what extent this is informed by an understanding of screen space as developed through a history and culture of film and tv watching. It was one of my supervisors who mentioned it. But you know I am really keen to know if others have developed this idea or done work on it. If you know of anything I'd love to know.